Web Mapping Applications Development

WeTech Maven Geospatial, LLC has proven experience developing advanced mapping applications using the latest web standards and technologies.
Powered by FOSS4G Stack like back-end Map Servers Geoserver, GeoWebCache, PostGIS Database, Tile Servers and MapProxy
We develop with all the popular mapping libraries (LeafletJS, OpenLayers, CesiumJS, MapBox GL JS, ESRI ArcGIS API for JavaScript, ThreeJS) along with NodeJS, Server-Side PHP frameworks like Laravel and CodeIgniter and GeoDjango and front-end javascript development libraries like ReactJS, AngularJS and VueJS as well as BootStrap framework.
We leverage OGC WPS to chain together server-side geoprocessing, data conversion, server-side analysis and other operations
We are pro’s at using POSTGIS Spatial Functions and operations
We have specialized tools to get data published to GeoServer via our GeoServer REST API Module and another for publishing attribute and vector data to PostgreSQL/PostGIS Database
We can also do dynamic mapping services and dynamic vector tiles directly from POSTGIS
via Koopjs or via pg_featureserv and pg_tileserv but we also can do the same from GeoServer
We build Advanced Secure API – Application Programming Interfaces (REST, GraphQL, etc) for interacting with systems and databases.
We have two advanced OGC WFS-T (Transactional) data creation/editing web mapping applications that support a team of users updating and creating data hosted in GeoServer.
We are also adept at working with ESRI ArcGIS Portal and ArcGIS Online and developing and delivering custom solutions for those environments.
We have extremely robust mapping engines ready to go so we can be very agile.