Tech Maven Geospatial has developed an advanced Map Tiling Desktop app
Two types of Map Tiling is supported
- Raster Map Tiling (JPG, PNG) MBTILES
- Vector Map Tiling (GZ PBF) MBTILES
It also supports conversion of Raster Imagery (Geospatial PDF/GeoPDF, MrSID, JP2 and more formats coming soon) to GeoTIFF Cloud Optimized – COG.
Coming soon conversion of GIS Vector Data to GeoPackage Vector features
The current version is limited to GEOTIFF (single file) to MBTILES
It works multi-threaded and is fast and powerful

Enter Details
✓ Enter File Name
✓ Select Output Format – mbtiles or gpkg both are supported
✓ Enter Source
✓ Enter Attribution
✓ Enter Description
✓ Enter Min Zoom
✓ Enter Max Zoom

Special Feature of this Application
The special feature about this application is that it uses maximum resources(threads) of the system while converting tiff into mbtiles. There is a comparison of how the system CPU is fully utilized while using this application.
18 % CPU is used before starting this application
Maximum CPU Utilization while running Raster Tiling App