Tech Maven Geospatial
Need to standup environments at the edge or in mobile command centers. We’ve got solutions that are installable windows applications, no messing with docker/kubernetes and configuring a web server.
Or need to prepare data for D-DIL environments or just within a secure environment/within firewall we’ve got your converted with these innovative problem solving and high performance solutions.
Tile Server – delivers cached map tiles (XYZ or OGC WMTS) from GPKG and MBTILES (Vector Tiles, Raster Tiles, Elevation/Terrain Tiles). Does Vector tiles to Raster Tiles and Tile Group (Blending/Merging multiple layers) Supports pre-configured OSM Vector Tiles stylesheets based on OpenMapTiles/MapTiler Data. Serves static GIS Files (KML, GeoJSON, GPX, CSV, zip). Serves COG cloud optimized geotiff. Serves as an edge server delivering source data to download. Includes two map viewers (2D Advanced viewer with editing and quick integration with tile server and 3D/4D Viewer with terrain and 3D Buildings) Supports quickly configuring ATAK/WINTAK apps via it’s tile.xml
Geo Data Server –delivers GeoServices REST API (FeatureServer) and dynamic PBF vector tiles (VectorTileServer) from local GIS vector data (SHP, GPKG, KML, CSV, others) and PostGIS Tables. Includes two map viewers (2D Advanced viewer with editing and 3D/4D Viewer with terrain and 3D Buildings) (Coming soon support for OGC WMS and WMTS/XYZ). GeoServices REST API is perfect for searching/querying data and returning GeoJSON.
3D Scene Server – serves OGC 3DTILES or OGC i3S SceneServer
Converts 3D Geospatial data into 3DTILES. Convert LiDAR Point Cloud data, 3D Building data, 3D Model data. Convert between 3DTiles and i3S. Also includes a converter for about 25 3D Model formats into GL Transmission Binary (GLB). Includes ESRI ArcGIS API For JavaScript SceneServer and Terriajs (Cesium) map viewers. Perfect app for your Digital Twin project.
OFFLINE MAP DATA GENERATOR –downloads any cached and dynamic mapping service and tile layer as map tiles mbtiles. Downloads vector data as GeoJSON from (ESRI FeatureServer, MapServer and WFS). Optionally can include Tech Maven Geospatial’s Pre-Staged Ready to Go Foundational GEOINT Data and GeoRequest Area of Interest API access for a yearly subscription.
TILE UTILITIES –Convert between map tile formats (MBTILES, GPKG, ESRI Proprietary TPKX and VTPK, OSMDROID SQLite), Clips area of interest of MBTILES, Merges MBTILES, Views Tiles (Folder of XYZ/TMS, GPKG and MBTILES), Extracts tiles to folder.
RASTER TILING – Converts GeoTIFF Raster Imagery into MBTILES in an advanced multithreaded application.