Solutions for Serving and Delivering Geospatial Data:
You’re Perfectly within Firewall on-Prem Solutions, at the Edge, Mobile Command Centers, Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Solution
These are Windows Installable Applications no Setting Up Servers, no Having to Worry about Web Servers

Geo Data Server
Dynamic PostGIS tables and static files (GPKG, SHP, KML, GeoJSON, CSV) as
Served as ESRI GeoService REST API FeatureServer and Dynamic PBF Vector Tiles VectorTileServer
Coming soon OGC WMS and OGC WMTS and XYZ Raster Tiles
Tile Server
Serves Cached Mbtiles & GPKG
Serves as WMTS and XYZ Tiles and Static COG, KML, GeoJSON

3D Scene Server/Converter
SLPK as SceneServer
3DTILES zip file as 3DTILES
Convert 3D Data to 3DTILES
These are the windows apps with installer no need for docker or configuring IIS
We can sell bulk licenses with one license key
We also have source code available for sale and White-Labeled solutions
(Previously called Runtime SDK)
Want to license the app for ESRI Basic but still get offline data support
use Geo Data Server and 3D Scene Server as companion apps to serve data to your app on the same device or network
Deliver fully ESRI Compatible Mapping Service URL’s:
- featureserver – geoservices REST API
- vectortileserver -dynamic pbf vector tiles
- sceneserver
- XYZ and OGC WMTS Tile URL’s
- Static Files like KML or imagery as http URL
Geo Data Server FeatureServer is NOT transactional you can’t edit that feature service
Windows Tile Server can deliver static files like KML as URL to the ESRI map
deliver geospatial data within private network or portable battery powered router to mapping clients like WINTAK, ATAK, WebTAK or others